Mary Zicafoose Tapestries and Prints, Omaha, NE

Wellness and Courage Tapestries

Community Pentaptych

Pink and Yellow Tapestries

Pink and Yellow Tapestries

Flags for the Fathers

Women of the World


Hope and Healing Tapestries

Mountain for the Buddha Series

Red Tapestry Wall

Union for Contemporary Art Tapestry Assemblage

Five Fields Tapestry


wO!ven - Installation 1

wO!ven - Installation 2

Dyed and Wrapped - Osage

Dyed and Wrapped - Indigo

Dyed and Wrapped - Indigo

Zica"foos" Doe

J. Doe and The Magic Carpet

J. Doe and The Magic Carpet installed

Dyed and Wrapped Preparation

Dyed and Wrapped in Process

Dyed and Wrapped Faded Indigo

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Public Art and Installation

In addition to being an accomplished fiber artist, Mary is commissioned to create sculptural works for public display.

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